Who am i

My name is Katelyn Dumancela, I’m born and raised in Queens, New York. I wasn’t always into law until my sophomore year of college at BMCC. I was studying liberal art because I didn’t decide on my major yet. I  came across a law club, which  I didn’t it know it was a club at the time, and it was all because I was hungry. The law club was hanging out pizza and I was a hungry college student, so I gave in and decided to stay for the club. They had a Guest speaker come in; I believe he was a family court attorney. I became interested in what he was and stayed till he was done speaking. I stayed and spoke with him as well as the rest of the class. He mentions how he started as a paralegal, and I didn’t even know what that was until he explained it. That’s basically how I decided I wanted to become a paralegal.

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