Law Office

          The law firm that I have chosen to apply to work for would be Moumita Rahman, PLLC, located at 111 John St, Suite 1260, New York, NY 10038. This firm, in particular, helps families or individuals who are immigrants or have issues with their status. Moumita’s Law Firm focuses on clients all over the country and represents them at USCIS and in Immigration Court with cases that deal with VAWA self-petition, VAWA for parents, I-751 Removal of Conditions, I-751 Waivers, Affirmative Asylum, and family-based cases. She has 30 professional advisors and expertise that help her with the cases each client brings. That includes paralegals, legal advisors, and assistants. She also has a media and research team and many more. I would personally love to work with Moumita Rahman and her intellectual advocates that assist her. They focus on immigration and help families gain legal status in this country, so they also get the opportunity that this country is built on the fundamentals of the American dream. I relate to Moumita Rahman because she is also from Bangladesh herself and an immigrant, just like me. We both understand the obstacles it took for us as individuals and our families. Immigrants have always been discriminated against racially and abused by our system. It’s a constant stigma to not have legal status and I’ve seen families and friends struggle to live a comfortable life and be in constant fear of deportation. I also believe in her advocacy and fighting for families with immigration problems so they’re not separated and give up on their hard work and dreams.

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