My Response to the 2020 Election [11.07.2020]

After much 4 years of anticipation since high school, gruelingly waiting in cold weather for an hour to vote, much research, discussions and, of course, arguments, we [America] will have a new president for the next four years: Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. This makes me feel proud because the man I voted for won and his victory allows me to believe there is hope for the nation. Seeing my mom and news reporters wipe tears, receiving texts of friends and family celebrating, and witnessing Joe Biden himself hug supporters made me feel like a proud, politically active Black adult for the first time in my life. Knowing some of Biden’s background such as losing his wife and daughter in and accident and his son Beau Biden dying from brain cancer allows me to believe Joe is a man of empathy and humanity, something that will be an active factor during his presidency. A presidency I can proudly say, help become reality and can say will be proud to witness.

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