Class TOMORROW!! & quiz grades posted!

Esteemed Students,

I hope you all enjoyed your class-free day today!  Civ Pro Quiz #1 grades are now posted in GradeBook. The answer key will be posted tomorrow (Tues.) afternoon.

DON’T FORGET, tomorrow (Tues. Sept. 29) all classes follow Monday schedule, sooooooo . . . WE WILL MEET!! 11:30am-12:45pm.  We’ll start class with some peer-review of your (anonymous) classmates’ resumes linked below. Get a head start! Review them and think of your compliments and suggestions. THEN we’ll discuss cover letters, including those I posted Saturday and asked you to reply by 10am tomorrow (Tues.) with one compliment and one suggestion for one letter.

Enjoy your evening, see you tomorrow!!

Prof. C.

Your classmates’ resumes!!


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