Reply to Sussman case HERE!

Hello!  For Thursday, Nov. 18, please read the New York decision in Sussman v. Grado, about a paralegal behaving badly. 🙁   By 8am Thursday, please post a short “reply” to this post with some thoughtful reaction to the case.  For example, what did you find interesting, or surprising, instructive, or was there something you not understand?  Or anything at all you want to say, that shows you read and thought about the case!

Happy reading and posting!

Prof. C.

Answer C&W ch. 11 questions HERE!

Hello Students!

PLEASE bring your pocket Constitution to Tuesday’s class, but you do NOT need to bring your CPLR to class!  Also, by 8am on Tuesday, Nov. 9, please read C&W ch. 11, Papers–Preparation, Service and Filing.  Then choose ONE “Did You Get It?” question at the end of the chapter (pp. 98C-98D) that no other student has chosen and answer it in a reply to this post!  (You will need to look at all other replies before choosing your question.)  Please write out the whole question, including the number.  If appropriate, include an explanation with your answer–don’t just answer “yes” or “no.”  There are eight questions–if, by 8am Tuesday, all of them have been answered, send me an email and I’ll send you an alternate question.  We will review the answers in class!  This is teamwork!


Prof. C.

PLAN Week info! thru Sunday, Nov 7

Dear Students!

Below is information about PLAN Week, which we discussed in today’s class.  Though it suggests different videos and programs for each day (all linked), you don’t need to follow that schedule, they are all available through Sunday, Nov. 7.  I strongly encourage you to take advantage of the many opportunities for guidance and PRIZES!!  If you do, please let me know what you think of them.

Cheers, Prof. C.

City Tech PLAN Week, November 1 — 5, 2021

During PLAN week, we offer information to help you plan your next steps—from choosing classes and learning how to register to finding out where to get support and make connections within the college. Don’t miss this opportunity to create a successful and personal PLAN. Also, by completing PLAN Week daily forms, you will be entered in a raffle pool for $50 MasterCard gift cards. If you participate all 5 PLAN Week questionnaires, you will be entered for a grand prize of $300.

We recommend that you set aside 20-30 minutes a day this week, and watch one video and follow it by answering the corresponding response form.

Monday, November 1: Start your PLAN with the Introduction to Academic Advising video and respond here.

Tuesday, November 2: PLAN your academic career by watching Understanding Your Degree Requirements and respond here.

Wednesday, November 3: PLAN your academic advising appointment by watching Creating a Semester-by-Semester Plan and respond here.

Thursday, November 4: PLAN to register by watching Introduction to Registration and respond here.

Friday, November 5: PLAN to get involved by watching How to Get Involved (video coming soon!) and respond here.

All of the videos and forms are available from now until Sunday, November 7 at Any responses filled out by midnight on the seventh will be eligible for the raffle. Good luck, and start planning!

Here’s another link to PLAN Week programs:

Questions for Thursday’s guest speaker!

Good afternoon Students!

I hope you enjoyed our discussion with Tiara and Kyle today!  Here are their email addresses in case you’d like to follow up with them on any items: and

Below is information about Thursday’s guest speaker, Tevin Williams!  Please read it and then reply to this post with at least one question you’d like to ask him.  Bring additional questions to class!

See you Thursday!  Prof. C.

Tevin Williams is Community Liaison and Legislative Aide to NY State Senator Brad Hoylman, a Manhattan Democrat and the first openly gay man in the New York State Senate.  Tevin is responsible for assisting all of Sen. Hoylman’s constituents with their issues, as the liaison to Community Boards 2 and 7, and assisting with Senator Hoylman’s legislation in Albany.  Previously, Tevin had a 10-year career with YMCA between Georgia, Florida, and now New York City before joining Senator Hoylman’s office. Tevin enjoys community impact, and also working towards the greater good.  Tevin plans to attend law school and is currently preparing to take the LSAT.  Tevin’s ultimate goal is to be a Federal Judge.

Open hearing on “pass/no credit” grading option!

Hello Students!

The College Council’s Curriculum and Students Committees are co-sponsoring an open hearing on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 from 5PM-6:15PM on Zoom on the proposed guidelines for the Passing/No Credit grading option resolution at City Tech. This is an opportunity to share your input, or just listen.  Zoom info is below. I hope to “see” you there!

Prof. C.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 820 4010 1658



Bring CPLR today! Tues. Oct. 26

Good rainy morning!  THANK YOU for posting such excellent questions for our guest speakers!  We will have a fantastic discussion.  If you didn’t post one yet, there’s still time!

Just a reminder, PLEASE be sure to bring your CPLR!  If you do, you will get a prize!  (An actual physical one, in addition to the “prize” of knowledge, which is VERY valuable!)

See you soon!

Prof. C.

What do you want to ask our guest speakers?

In prep for our first session of “Guest Speaker Week” on Tues. Oct. 26, please “reply” to this post with one or question for our visitors!  They are both graduates of our program: Tiara Yelverton is now a paralegal at NYC Transit Authority, and Kyle Stevenson is a third-year student (“3L”) at Pace University Law School.  You can read Kyle’s terrific bio and resume for ideas.  You may address your questions to either or both of them!

Prof. C.

1103 Civ Pro midterm exam tomorrow! Th. Oct. 21, 10am

Hello Students!

I hope you are surviving midterm week.  Just a reminder!  TOMORROW (Th. Oct. 21) you’ll take your LAW 1103 Civil Law and Procedure midterm exam in our regular classroom, starting 10am.  Once again, you are welcome and encouraged to bring your copies of the court system maps and charts to reference during the exam (linked under “Class notes & materials”), and please don’t bring any notes, quizzes, textbook pages, or other materials because you may not use them. 🙁  You will not need your CPLR.  Please also bring a writing instrument!  Of course, be sure to study.  Here are some study suggestions!

Have a pleasant evening, see you tomorrow!

Prof. C.

1101 midterm exam tomorrow! (Tues. Oct. 19, 10am)

Hello Students!

Just a reminder!  TOMORROW (Tues. Oct. 19) you’ll take your LAW 1101 Intro to Paralegal Studies MIDTERM EXAM!!  We’ll meet 10am in our regular classroom to start, and you can leave whenever you’re finished.  You are welcome and encouraged to bring your copies of the court system maps and charts to reference during the exam (linked under “Class notes & materials”) but please don’t bring any notes, quizzes, textbook pages, or other materials because you may not use them.  🙁  Please also bring a writing instrument!  And definitely STUDY!  Here are some study suggestions.

Have a  pleasant evening, see you tomorrow!

Prof. C.