ZOOM CLASS TODAY!! Thurs. Sept. 2, 10:30am

Good morning Students!

I hope you and your families are all healthy and safe following last night’s storm.  Due to the City’s advisory to avoid travel because of effects of the storm, I propose to hold today’s class on ZOOM rather than meet in person.  Here is the link:

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81380874817 (Meeting ID 813 8087 4817)

I also sent an email with this message.  PLEASE RESPOND TO THE EMAIL TO LET ME KNOW YOU ARE OK, AND WHETHER YOU CAN JOIN TODAY’S CLASS ON ZOOM.  I suggest we start at 10:30am, in case any students prefer to meet in person (which is fine) or if they don’t see this message, and come to the classroom–I’ll meet them there and arrange for all of us to participate in class together.

PLEASE RESPOND TO MY EMAIL!!  I will post a similar message on OpenLab and Blackboard.

Thank you, and stay safe!!

Prof. C.

WELCOME! to LAW 1101/1103!

WELCOME!  to LAW 1101/1103 FYLC and our OpenLab site!  I hope your find this site useful.  Please poke around and check out the tabs above, especially “Assignments” and “Class notes & materials” where you’ll find particularly important information!

I look forward to seeing you in our next class, and to a terrific semester with you!


Prof. C.