Cover letters due 8am! 1103 quiz #2 in class!

Dear Students!

I hope you enjoyed your LAW- class-free day yesterday.  Thank you for completing 1101 Intro quiz #2 on Blackboard!  Most of you did quite well, your scores are available on Blackboard and in the GradeBook here on OL.

DON’T FORGET, tomorrow (Th. Oct. 14) by 8am, please email me your draft cover letters!  We’ll review and provide feedback on each other’s letters FIRST, so please arrive on time to benefit from your classmates’ suggestions.  I have posted some additional sample cover letters here in the “assignments” tab, and I posted the resumes we reviewed in Thursday’s class (yours and peer mentor Oliver’s) in “Class notes & materials” for Thurs. Oct. 7.  PLEASE email me your letter as an attached Word document, NOT a link to Google docs or any other “cloud.”  Your final cover letters and resumes, to be graded according to the rubrics in the assignment, are due Friday Oct. 15.

Tomorrow you’ll also take 1103 Civ Pro quiz #2 in class!  PLEASE bring your copies of the maps and charts of the court system to use during the quiz, and when we review for both midterm exams.  You do NOT need to bring your CPLR tomorrow, or any day until after the midterm exams!  Please also bring any questions or topics you’d like to review!

I am leaning toward giving next week’s midterm exams in class, on paper, during the regularly scheduled class time.  If that poses a significant hardship for anyone, let me know and we can discuss it.  Otherwise we’ll discuss this generally in class tomorrow, and I’ll be glad to consider your feedback.

Have a pleasant evening, see you tomorrow!

Prof. C.

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