Who I Am

Hello! I’m Adriana Sepúlveda and I am in the Law and Paralegal Studies program because I want to be a paralegal. My background is in the music business so my goal is to work at an entertainment law firm or in the legal department of a record label. I previously went to college in Boston where I graduated in 2015 with a Bachelor of Science in Music Industry. I initially wanted to be an entertainment lawyer however, that changed throughout my college career and I decided to take the Public Relations route. After graduating, I moved to New York and started working in music PR. Eventually, I decided it wasn’t for me but being my only real experience, I was in and out of PR jobs, assistant positions, internships, and the restaurant industry. After many jobs, years, and industries later I decided to revisit my interest in law!

Jumping back into school after almost 7 years was something that definitely made me nervous but I’m excited about this new chapter. I can’t wait to start the process and learn about the paralegal world.

Aside from school, I’m currently a server at a few different restaurants. When I’m not working or watching Netflix, I have few hobbies including gardening, going to concerts, and crocheting. During the gardening season, I grow peppers (habaneros, jalapeños, banana peppers), tomatoes, and basil. With crocheting, I have made blankets, pet sweaters, scrunchies, and shorts. I live with my twin sister in Brooklyn and we have two cats — an orange tabby named Isosceles and a calico/tabby mix named Una. I grew up in Texas and as a few others mentioned, I am Puerto Rican. Since my parents spoke Spanish around the house I can understand a little bit but my goal is to eventually learn enough to at least understand it completely. I am also trying to amp up my reading with my 2021 goal being to read 10 books, stay tuned.

Excited for the semester ahead!


Here are the kiddos!

3 thoughts on “Who I Am

  1. Thanks Adriana, I’m excited for the semester too! You should connect with Aaoni, she’s also interested in entertainment law. You’re also welcome to post pictures of your cats! Good luck with your goal of reading 10 books, please let me know any recommendations. Cheers, Prof. C.

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