How to Contribute

To contribute your own Comforting Content to this project, just follow these steps:

Step 1: Join the Project

Make sure you’re logged into your OpenLab account. Then, click on “Project Profile” in the sidebar of this page and click the “Join Now!” button.

Step 2: Navigate to the Dashboard

There are several different ways to reach the Site Dashboard and start writing your first post.

  1. From the Project Profile, you should now see a new link called “Site Dashboard” underneath where it says “Visit Project Site” on the righthand side of your page. Clicking that will take you to the dashboard.
  2. From the Project Site, look for where it says “Comforting Content for COVID Coping” in the dark gray header bar at the top of your screen. Clicking there will also take you to the dashboard.
  3. To navigate directly to the post editor from the project site, you can also click on the plus sign, also in the dark gray header bar.

Once you’re on the Dashboard, click on “Posts” on the lefthand menu and then “Add New.”

Step 3: Write Your Post

In addition to writing text, you can insert images, videos, links, and more. Our current Help documentation for posts is geared toward using the WordPress Classic Editor, so we recommend you use that one unless you already feel comfortable using Block Editor.

Step 4: Check for Best Practices

  1. Do you have the right to use all of your images according to licensing and copyright laws?
  2. Have you made your images, videos, and other files accessible? This includes using videos with captions, providing alternative text for images, and using accessible file formats like Word docs instead of PDFs.
  3. Have you cited all content that is not your own? Citing doesn’t have to mean using a formal academic citation style like MLA, but it does mean giving credit to the creator and providing a link to where you found the content.
  4. Is your contribution written for general audiences? Does it follow our Community Guidelines? We want this site to be feel-good for everyone.

Step 5: Save Your Draft

Click on the blue “Save Draft” button once you’re done editing your post. The OpenLab Community Team will publish a curated selection of contributions that meet the OpenLab’s community guidelines and best practices.