Monthly Archives: March 2016

Good exploration – part style guide/ part storyboard

This is a good looking experiment I found on the web of exploring color and style. This doesn’t really function as a working technical document – but it’s a great exploration of color and angle… and even character(?) I don’t want you guys to get too surreal at this point – but always try to ways to get your storyboards looking attractive – that will bring your whole crew onboard and will make you want to share your boards.

Suspense Storyboard style guide

For the next storyboard (suspense), it’s time to add ink and – if you want – color.  You can add color to your arrows so that your camera and actor movements stand out in your storyboard. You can also color code your arrows – one color for camera and another for actor movement. As always I expect.

  1. a title at the top of your storyboard.
  2. don’t use a storyboard template
  3. number each frame at top left
  4. make sure your frames are inked and fit a specific aspect ratio that you’ve chosen to best relate your story
  5. ink your final
  6. make your description clear, short and legible
  7. use 3D arrows
  8. make sure your compositions have depth – use perspective and shading