According to Heller, Description of What Is the Approach of Underground Vs. Mainstream Relevant in Contemporary Design
According to Heller, the concept of Underground Vs. Mainstream is important in contemporary design since it involves the application of ideas on issues associated with issues of intellectual property within livelihoods. In particular, Heller describes how mass marketers illegally obtain ideas and information from visionaries where they make changes and then reuse them as new products for the public (Bowie, 2020). As a result, these end up making the materials and commodities previously in the market null and void.
Explanation of Where the Designer or Design That I Will Be Addressing for My Final Fit to Dichotomy
My choice of research design that I will be addressing for my final Dichotomy ought to ensure that the evidence obtained enables me to efficiently and effectively put up the challenge logically and unambiguously as much as possible. Several factors influenced the choice since I needed to establish a cause-and-effect interaction and relationship between experimental methods and variables (Greene, M. T., Gonzalez, R., & Papalambros, 2019). For final fit to Dichotomy involves creating and analyzing the approaches that ensure engagement of individuals in several chances to gather feedback, create, redesign, and experiment.
Discussion of What Underground Designs Impacted the Questioned Work
Underground designs influenced the mainstream culture since the dominance was associated with values, ways, and language of behaving imposed on the economic and political power. The impact resulted in political and legal suppression of patterns and values through monopolized media communication. There, conclusions can be made that traditional societies are attributed to increased customs and cultural traits often conglomerated through various cultures and subcultures.
The Work in Question Shaped the Mainstream in Several Ways
The underground involved a social group and movement whose values and ways of life were opposed to the mainstream of society to some extent (Guerra, 2021). The cultural values promoted and expressed actual opposition towards the existing and dominating culture. Hence, it was clear that the underground showed a contradiction and opposition to the mainstream.


Bowie, A. (2020). A Burkean dialectical-rhetorical perspective on shifting design trends. Southern Communication Journal, 85(2), 125-138.
Greene, M. T., Gonzalez, R., & Papalambros, P. Y. (2019, July). Measuring systems engineering and design thinking attitudes. In Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design (Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 3939-3948). Cambridge University Press.
Guerra, P. (2021). So close yet so far: DIY cultures in Portugal and Brazil. Cultural Trends, 30(2), 122-138.