The authors of these readings had negative opinions of their futures. They were really discouraging as an artist however true. As we continue in time the materials we use and the process we use to develop art and design have been lost. All though it might be viewed as a positive thing that we are making advances in art and technology the history and the importance of the process of creating art have decreased. This is the view of the author El Lissitzky, in “Our Book”; he emphasized his sadness for the future of art and its inventions. He uses the invention of the easel, as an example, although it was once used to produce art it is nowadays not effective. To me, however, it is simply not true, although there are more digital artists in this age there are still traditional artists like myself that keep to the traditional method of producing art. Although it might be expensive, the final piece that you create makes everything worth it. Lissitsky also talks about the future of the book, in his opinion; although all other inventions in art have lost their effectiveness, he sees a positive future for the book. The book despite advances in technology is still stable in the society we live in today. Many designs the books digitally however, there is an influx of people reading books, magazines, and more in print.

In “The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism” by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti,  he envisions a positive future for himself. One where his invention would have an impact and where he would create a new movement. A movement where their creations would create a stepping path towards the future and where it would have an impact on a broader scale. The futurists look towards the future in a positive light and look forward to the changes in art and technology. They don’t look back on the previous advances or achievements but rather look for a bright and influential future. The Futurists are interested in creating a brand new image or future based not on the past advancements and histories but rather a future where they start a new, where there are new advancements and different ideas. This is also seen where the author even states “When we are forty let younger and stronger men than we throw us in the waste paper basket like useless manuscripts” (Page 4, Paragraph 2, Line 2,3).

Lastly in the reading by Aleksandr Rodchenko, Varvara Stepanova, and Aleksei Gan, “Who We Are: Manifesto of the Constructivist Group” the authors viewed their future in a positive light. Unlike the Futurist who looked forward to a new era and a new generation, the constructivists were focused on themselves. They viewed themselves as the stepping stone or blueprint for society and inventions. They created so many aspects of society, they created something out of nothing and more. To me they were putting so much emphasis on the things they have done for society and even the things they didn’t create, they had an influence on; They ” were /are the beginning”. They also viewed technology in a negative light; they thought that technology was the enemy of art. To be honest I’m on a balance with that one; even though I understand how inexpensive and easy digital art is; and how much more digital arts out there than traditional; I can appreciate digital art. However, in my opinion, I feel that traditional artwork takes skills and more effort.