Important words which meanings were not totally clear to me are:






Unclear passages:

Pag 9 (of the pdf)

Film can no longer be seen as animated photographs: the having-been-there gives way before a being-there of the thing; which omission would explain how there can be a history of the cinema, without any real break with the previous arts of fiction, whereas the photograph can in some sense elude history (despite the evolution of the techniques and ambitions of the photographic art) and represent a “flat” anthropological fact, at once absolutely new and definitively unsurpassable, humanity encountering for the first time in its his­tory messages without a code. Hence the photograph is not the last (improved) term of the great family of images; it corresponds to a decisive mutation of informational economies.


Thus the rheto­ric of the image (that is to say, the classification of its connotators) is specific to the extent that it is subject to the physical constraints of vision (different, for example, from phonatory constraints) but general to the extent that the “figures” are never more than formal relations of elements.

(I am sorry for the late submission. I wanted to summarize my notes but I don’t think I will have to time to do it, so I am sending the handwritten notes. I am sorry for the low quality pictures and the bad calligraphy. )