History of American Indians in Beer Advertising.

  1. An appeal to history and a symbol of purity are seen as a guarantee of quality

 2. The second paradox is that KAB(Keep American Beautiful) is made up of leading beverage and packaging companies.

Keep America Beautiful – (Crying-Indian) – 70s Commercial

Kristine Danielsen commented that she never forgot the ad, respecting nature from a very young age and passing it on to her children and grandchildren.

Ads 3,4)     About “Equality in conditions”(Hall.pg.2)

Diapers are now the test, not the dads . Huggies uses the example of “funny fathers”—that is a campaign to incompetent male parents who seem to have no idea how to change a diaper or care for an infant in advertising—as an example of these traditional roles. A funny father is often contrasted with a loving, capable mother. Final ad is about Bonds: Motorcycle. An ad on TV

https://www.goodbeerhunting.com/blog/2021/9/21/chiefs-maidens-and-myth-making-a-history-of-american-indians-in-beer-advertising. (n.d


Bonds: Motorcycle. Best Ads on TV. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2022, from https://www.bestadsontv.com/ad/31605/Bonds-Motorcycle

Luis Quijano – digitalcommons.liberty.edu. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2022, from https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1779&context=honors

Watts, A. (2012, March 15). Huggies listened to dads – why it matters. The Good Men Project. Retrieved March 30, 2022, from https://goodmenproject.com/families/huggies-listened-to-dads-why-it-matters/