McLuhan discusses how technology has become a sort of extension for humans. Even back then people thought about how machines would eventually replace people at work. It will influence people’s behavior or provide more opportunities. people will look at themselves from a different perspective. A person’s thoughts are no longer isolated from others, they are no longer alone. However, as we know everything has positive and negative sides. Besides all of the benefits of technology and media, it also has a lot of disadvantages. As it can be an extension to an individual by enabling more capabilities, it can also result in a reduction in particular jobs where machines seem more capable of replacing. I strongly agree with his theory about media and technology being extensions of our body. According to McLuhan we give up our senses in order to be the target of media and technology. Media and technology are entirely dependent on what consumers prefer and need. They create content, and we admit it without any inquiry. As a matter of fact, we are more open to manipulation and being influenced.