Reading McLuhan_Fiore_MediumIsTheMassage_1967 was interesting to see how they compare technology is changing with our personal lives. The article, “The medium, or process of our time-electric technology – is reshaping and restructuring patterns of social independence and every aspect of our personal life. It is forcing us to reconsider and re-evaluate practically every thought, every action, and every institution formerly taken for granted. Everything is changing-you, your family, your neighborhood…” Technology is changing and it will benefit society and personal lives. It’s making us re-think what we do in today’s world and our loved ones because we take things for granted. Once, everything is changing we have to grow up and take full responsibility of what we say, think and do.

Another interesting part of this article is the visuals. The images that were selected for each page, flows in with the summary. Especially when the article mentions, “We have already reached a point where remedial control, born out of knowledge of media and their total effects on all of us, must be exerted.” Meaning there’s an answer that we already heard of and it was developed by the media, which causes by influnece. The image is a black and white circles, surrounding one behind another which associates of the small circle being the “answer” and it was caused by the other circles around it (as a way being influenced by one and another).

This article expands my creativity in designing editorial. All spreads are minimal, messy and monochromatic. The black, white and having the images be zoomed in brings more drama, it catches the reader’s attention. This a perfect example of breaking the rules in design, it’ll make some designers feel odd but rules are meant to broken. I enjoy the result of the design.