In the reading The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effect by McLuhan and Fiore, McLuhan describes technology and media as “extensions of man.” When I read the words of how McLuhan describes technology and media, I actually find it quite interesting how McLuhan uses that fraise in describing. I don’t think I ever heard of such a fraise like that before. When I think about the media extending on an individual or society in general, it always reminds me of how people from the 20th century get their media to how we normally do now. For instance, you get people from the beginning of the 20th century that relies on newspapers, radios, telephones and of course people themselves. While we as a modern society still carry these pioneered tools, we have developed and advanced so much when it comes to the media that it’s mind boggling. I know the most popular technology that pretty much everyone owns are cellphones, computers and televisions. Of course with every new upgrade comes with an invisible hazard. The kind of hazards that technology progress brings to an individual or society is being addicted, dependent and even use it for the wrong reasons. We all know that technology is one of the greatest and deadliest inventions to ever exists. While most people know how to use it the right way, unfrankly, they’re those who gets sucked into it and even use it for the wrong reasons.

The role that artists and designers can play in when it comes to creating new messages is to be able to come up with ideas that can help society navigate with technology in a more healthy relationship kind of way. For instance, sometimes you may stumble medias that aren’t the greatest or even the design of the website itself makes it hard to even use. As artists and designers, we have the ability to improve what and how society consumes their media in a more realistic and creative way. Just look back during the late 20th century all the way up until now. Look how much technology has changed in terms of the visual aspect. Especially when it comes to the home computers. We went from have a simple text base webpage to have these awesome website designs that artists and designers has done for us. Being able to have those kind of create people in our human race is truly a blessing.

The work of a designer distribute information by being able to use the world wide web as an outsource to communicate with the people. They pretty much go to any outsource that allows them to distribute information such as social media which plays a huge factor in terms of reaching out to people. Designers also likes to go on websites that are specific platforms that suits them. Think of it as a way where they can showcase their portfolio and to provide their contact information and all those other good stuffs that have to offer.