The New Typography was a movement where there were advancements in design and and typography. The new typography created a new way of designing without the limitations of the grid. It was interesting to learn Jan Tschichold’s opinion on typography; especially after learning about him in one of my graphic design classes. Jan Tschichold was a revolutionary figure in type and design. Most of his designs were asymmetrical and unseen in design. His works were a reflection of a new typography and combined the German designs. Most of his works were red and black. It contained geometrical shapes and asymmetrical typography. In the first text” The New Typography” by Jan Tschichold , he talks on the difference between old typography and the new revolutionary typography. He speaks on the purpose of old typography , whose aim according to him was to show beauty and was limited to the grid and units. The Constructivists opposed the new typography; how organic and fluid it was. The New typography gives unlimited scope for variation and allowed for more flexibility and focused on modern design.

The last two articles spoke on the technical aspect of the old typography. Based on the grid of Swiss typography, they took design elements and subjunctive them to a tight organized layout. To Brockman , the constructivists design was more beneficial to society and to the field of Graphic design. It was done systematically and pushed forward the creative aspects of the designer. To Brockman the grid system helped cultivate creativity, color and all the creative aspects of graphic design. In the Gerstner text,”Designing Programmes”, he goes into depth on the positive aspect of the new Swiss typography based on the grid. To him creativity only comes through organization and strict criteria. He states that designing is to pick out certain aspects and combine them. Based on him, design is the art of selection, and the process is to create the scheme and develop it based on certain criteria and restrictions.