Reading these writings, especially the one of Moholy-Nagy, it seems that these people of Bauhaus also were looking onto the future and technology, like futurists. However, they saw it as a way to create, be creative, inspire one invention from another. Nagy was saying that while people still fighting each other, TV was invented. Also, I think even back at that time, he kind of predicted our future with technologies: “tomorrow we shall be able to look into the heart of our fellow man, be everywhere and yet be alone; illustrated books, newspapers, magazines are printed—in millions.” 

Nagy paid great attention to photography, typography, and their mixture–typephoto. He called it the “visually most exact rendering of communication”. Just typography was two-dimensional, as he said, but photos brought a new dimension to our life, I guess. I think he refers to that now (that time “now”) you not only could tye and see the type, but see it through the lens of photo and TV/cinema. All these new technologies and techniques brought new opportunities, creativity, and effectiveness. New art, or design, was not only beautiful but economical and provided some service, and artists must adapt themselves to new inventions.