After going over the readings, there was different ideas to take in as to how language came to be. In the essays, it was interesting to learn how symbols derived by the methods of grouping and ordering because it made it easier to count. Before words were used to take over numerical values, numerical values were expressed by counting, whether it was to keep score or record of something. This was nice to see because one method use was the tally, and this is something that is used today as well. The communication system used was by ones and each tally would represent a one object or score. When symbols came along, a symbol would represent one, and then different symbols would come to represent a group of ones, to indicate a higher number. This development in symbols has since transgressed to indicate more than numbers but also terms as objects or value such as phone, train, etc. It is something we see in our everyday lives now. The distinction now is that our symbols are also paired up with words to indicate it context, like traffic signs. This would also depend on the culture, where the text may change.

From the book, I viewed language itself being spoken as something philosophical. I feel like it can be a hard read because you end up using language in order to read about it. Words used where words that phonetically represented itself. Whereas now in the present, one word can signify multiple meanings. Language now has increased in complexity, in to express directly and subtly. It is also mentioned how signs arise from our bodies behavior in order to express ourselves without verbal language. Such example they mentioned is the nine bows to the ground done by a Chinese man to it emperor. In this scenario, this sign of expression is deemed fixed by a rule created by men, and not done as a natural way of communication.

In my opinion, design has a higher outreach then language does. Considering that we in the present have multiple language from different cultures, it is more complex now to communicate with someone else. Someone who only knows English will not understand someone who only speaks Japanese. But through symbols, most are universal understood, communication is a little easier. This goes for design through use of colors, symbols, or audio, and even expressions done through the body.