One’s penmanship can bring joys to audience, writing is one of the common ways to express their own feeling. In Ferdinand de Sausurre’s Course in General Linguistics and a collaboration between J. Abbot Miller and Ellen Lupton entitled Design Writing Research they both talked about how language can be a way to express different feelings in an artistic way, so as signs and symbols. The beauty of language is you can turn one’s writing into a symbol, and it is also used in all over the world, symbol existed way earlier than written language, which gave people the ability to express images through words.

A logo can be a perfect example of symbol it is a symbol to represent the company of what they do and who they are, so are family crests. If they don’t exist one must explain themselves to others about what their company is selling or who they are also would need more documents to prove who they are, but with a symbol people can easily tell. In history many countries used drawing, symbol to tell their descendants what happened in their time period, China used pictograph in oracle bone script to record history, it is a method to make the people in the future to remember who they are.

In the modern time, physical writing are used less compared to earlier days because internet exists, however, that doesn’t mean words aren’t important anymore. We create even more words or slangs throughout internet everyday, and symbols, words are evolving with our technology as well.