Category Archives: Uncategorized


  I really like this picture because it shows rules of thirds and it also has negative space

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I was fascinated by Matthew Pillsbury’s work and the one that grabbed my attention the most was Main Reading Room. New York Public Library. The setting takes place in the library. Even though I know It’s people just reading in … Continue reading

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The Thing Itself

The subject that has been photographed vs the actual subject differ in many ways. Photograph captures what the photographer wants to show. Photograph can be bold, powerful, memorable and the people will convert the photograph into reality. Photograph can be … Continue reading

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Dawoud Bey-Harlem Stories Photograph: Man in a bowler hat This is an image of an older gentleman taken in 1975, although it was taken in 1975 Dawoud Bey particularly wanted to take the photograph of this man because he … Continue reading

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Wall Painting, New York. -Michael Kenna

While viewing all the photographs used to choose from, Wall Painting stood out to me the most because of how it wasn’t like the other photos. The photograph was taken in 2013 and just like the other images, it is … Continue reading

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HW1-Photo Description

After observing all of the pictures for this assignment, I decided to choose “The Lams of Ludlow Street” by Thomas Holton. This caught my attention the most because its very artistic to me. The setting seems like its shown in … Continue reading

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Hw 1- My Photo Narrative

All of the pictures I viewed for this homework assignment were very intriguing. The ones that stood out the most are “The Lams of Ludlow Street” by the photographer Thomas Holton. The pictures are amazing to look at and depicts … Continue reading

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In the passage “The Thing Itself” by John Szarkowski, I believe the difference between the thing and the subject is that when a camera takes a photograph its only showing a brief moment in time while the subject moves on … Continue reading

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In “The Thing Itself,” from The Photographer’s Eye by John Szarkowski, the difference between the subject of the photograph and the photograph is what you are currently seeing in front of you, the reality or the actual photograph. According to John, ” … Continue reading

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Photos come to life

In any photograph the image that is presented captures a moment in time.  A few photographs of a setting could tell a story.  The difference between a photograph and a subject  is the memory it leaves behind, the statement it … Continue reading

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