Hw 1- My Photo Narrative

All of the pictures I viewed for this homework assignment were very intriguing. The ones that stood out the most are “The Lams of Ludlow Street” by the photographer Thomas Holton. The pictures are amazing to look at and depicts a story of the struggle of the Lams. You can see how this family works together with that they have and yet are content. However, if I were looking from an outside view, in which I am, I wouldn’t know where they were living whether it be outside the United States or within the United States. I mention this because of their culture. The only image that seems to give it away is the young lady hanging off the bars to what seems to be the Empire State building.

One picture stood out more than the others, it’s the picture of a room which consists of a bathroom tub, a kitchen sink, a pile of clothes on the edge of the tube and various hangers coordinated by their color above the tub. Everything has its place and it seems as if they make use of every inch of the space in that room. Despite the struggle this family might be dealing with, someone expresses the love for one or all of the members living there with the bright red flowers showing itself in the tub they all share. In viewing this image I am able to see what a average day in their life looks like, they live with what they have, they are content and are proud to share their life with this photographer.

In the image I’ve selected I notice it projects patterns and repetition, I may be wrong yet I feel the photograph has somewhat of pastel shades throughout the image and the red interrupts the subtle look by making the red objects stand out. I find this image also fills the frame with elements of the room. I am not sure if framing is in this picture because there aren’t any windows or doors nonetheless the pastel green frame behind the tub puts a focus on the tub and its surroundings and this is why I feel that it gives a framing illusion.

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One Response to Hw 1- My Photo Narrative

  1. rmichals says:

    You have a good sense of the photographer’s overall intention for this series. I agree that this photo shows how they use every inch of the space and the red flowers are a bit of a mystery. I think it does add an element of happiness to the image.

    I don’t think there is much pattern or repetition here however. What is interesting is how the center of the photo is relatively empty and the sides are where all the action is. this is the result of the framing of the image.

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