Category Archives: Uncategorized

Edwin Fernandez Brooklyn Park Bridge

    I believe this is my best image of the day because the light really hits the front of the bird and gives him/her a personality

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Scavenger Hunt

I picked this picture because it creates sense of abstraction. The contrast between the lights and dark is very strong and it adds to the drama. Also I like when a photo is shot or zoomed in from close. I think … Continue reading

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Scavenger Hunt

 I really like the humor in the picture. The topic is good and since Patrick’s mouth is opened we decided to “feed” him. The picture also has rules of third with Patrick being on the side.

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Open/Close: Scavenger Hunt

The reason I picked this photo is because it shows us very little negative space in the open lockers. You can see the leading lines. Its a little different but it draws your attention. This was a medium shot.

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class post

I chose to share this image because it looks like the two shadows where captured in a dance of the shadows. They look like they’re communicating, and the rule of thirds was also applied to this photo.

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Scavenger Hunt

I really like this photo because it shows Patterns and Repetition and Framing , the colors really stands out

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Group 1 Scavenger Hunt

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class 1 post

  This picture an interesting picture close up picture of a chair that shows nice subtle  curved lines and also an example of an eye level shot as well as the focus on the nut.

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This photo is was taken in an oblique angle. It feels as if the stool is sliding off somewhere. It also shows a medium shot which goes well with the background. These are probably the reasons why I love this … Continue reading

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LL2- Composition

Out of the five photos my group and I decided were best this was one of my favorites which shows an extreme close up of the stool as well as emphasizes the curves of its corners. The Shape stands out … Continue reading

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