Author Archives: Michael Persaud

Painting with Light

I chose this photo for the Painting with Light because I thought it was really strong and simple. The way you have the hand nicely lit and visible against the dark background and it looks as the the light is … Continue reading

Posted in LL9-Painting with Light, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Lighting Direction

I chose this photo for the Lighting Direction because first, I really like the placement of the object in the shot and second, the way the light is 90 degrees off to the side of the object just gives it … Continue reading

Posted in LL6-Lighting Direction | Leave a comment


I chose this photo for the Pattern because its just really nice how you can see all of the Diagonal Lines follow the same path across the picture but then you also have two Horizontals that break the pattern in … Continue reading

Posted in LL4-pattern, view point, rule of thirds | Leave a comment

Shutter Speed

I chose this photo for Shutter Speed because it really capture the whole motion in the photo as you can see how the shoes were in many different places at once but you also see how the shoes are still … Continue reading

Posted in LL5-Shutter Speed | Leave a comment

Depth of Field

I chose this picture for the depth of field because it captures the wooden post at a high angle and its really close to it which gives it such a good Depth of Field. Very nice lighting and detailed photo.

Posted in LL4-Depth of Field | Leave a comment

Scavenger Hunt

I chose this picture for the scavenger hunt because I like the way it has humor to the photo. The Item would be Food and it was just a clever way of interpreting it. Really nice photo.

Posted in LL3-Scavenger Hunt | Leave a comment


I like this photo because it feels as though it has a serious/deep feel to it. The way the light hits the front of her face and a bit of the clothes. This shot was taken with a very short … Continue reading

Posted in LL7-Portrait Basics | 1 Comment

HW1-Photo Description

Photo: Manhattan Skyline, Study 1 – Michael Kenna With all of the great photographers listed in the homework, there was one photograph that stood out to me the most because of how different it was from the others. The Manhattan Skyline … Continue reading

Posted in Homework, HW1-photo description | 1 Comment

LL1- The Thing Itself

In “The Thing Itself,” from The Photographer’s Eye by John Szarkowski, I think the difference between the thing/subject that is shown in the photograph than the photograph itself would be that, in a photograph you are only seeing what the … Continue reading

Posted in Learning Logs, LL1-The Thing Itself | 1 Comment