HW 1

The photo that I found visually engaging to me the most was Michael Kenna’s Brooklyn Bridge, study 2. The photograph shows an under shot of the Brooklyn Bridge leading towards to Manhattan. This photo intrigued me because I like how the bridge guides your eyes to the center then leads you to the bright lights and skyscrapers of Manhattan. The feeling you get from this photograph is a calm and peaceful. I say this because the view of the city makes you want to sit back and admire the beautiful city lights.

Kenna uses the rule of thirds and leading lines in this photograph. The rule of thirds splits this photo into three parts the bridge and the two parts of the city, in which the two parts of the city are the points of interest. You can also see the use of leading lines in this photo by looking at the Brooklyn bridge. The leading lines start from the top of the image and goes down leading your eyes to the vanishing point of the bridge.



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One Response to HW 1

  1. rmichals says:

    This photo certainly uses the perspective of the bridge as leading lines. I would describe this photo as being symmetrical. the rule of thirds means that the main interest is placed off center. Here the bridge is right smack in the middle.

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