Salvador’s hw #1

Salvador Garcia Sanchez

Professor Michals

Digital Photography

September 03, 2015

Eugene Richards

     The photograph that caught my attention the most was “An oil rig and gas flare” which was in the section of “The Landscape Of Oil.” This photograph was taken by Eugene Richards in North of Watford City, ND. in the year of 2012. Not only was Eugene a photographer, but he was also a writer and a filmmaker from Massachusetts. The photograph  An oil rig and gas flare” caught my attention because of the mood it sets. You can picture yourself sitting outside at night looking into a beautiful city that stands out due to all its lights. Also the water and grass sets a calm tone, which can also relax you due to the water waves.

     Eugene Richards used the rule of thirds for this picture because the photograph sets a mood and gives me interest in wanting to look at it. He also uses contrast from dark to light which you can see in the photograph, top to bottom is light to dark. He also uses figure ground because the city pops out more and draws your attention to it since everywhere else in the photograph is dark. These elements help create the mood to the photograph because they work together to grab the viewer’s eyes. People are able to cherish photography’s depending they sceneries and how they were taken. Mainly what is the photograph trying to tell you and what mood does it bring to you personally.
Photography Link:

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One Response to Salvador’s hw #1

  1. rmichals says:

    I think the photographer is deeply critical of the way the oil and natural gas industries have ruined the land in the west. I do think he wants the viewer to look at the burning gas and feel how the glare disturbs what might have been peace by the water.

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