I was fascinated by Matthew Pillsbury’s work and the one that grabbed my attention the most was Main Reading Room. New York Public Library. The setting takes place in the library. Even though I know It’s people just reading in the library I still get this mysterious feeling from the photo due to the figures being blurred out and this perfect symmetry is what got my attention the most from his collection, It reminds me of West Anderson film. The symmetry makes it feel like a film and It’s not just people reading books but there’s a bigger story and the photographer focused it on that building. I like how the photographer doesn’t work with color, it makes the photograph feel more natural and it fits rather perfectly for this specific photo.

The first thing I noticed about the photo is the leading lines. Chandeliers and the floor seem to lead towards the door and above to the arch. I don’t know the artist enough but I could make a guess that the lines leading towards the door could symbolize something as well. Also there’s contrast between light and dark which adds more drama to the photograph. With the symmetry in the photograph I think It’s safe to say that there are patterns and repetition. If we took half of the photo and reflect it, it would almost be the same photo as most of the things on the photograph would repeat. With the blurred out people the photographer created an illusion that makes it seem more like the people are part of a pattern as well since It’s harder to see them and identify how are they different from each other.


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One Response to HW1

  1. rmichals says:

    I agree that symmetry is one of the strongest features of this photo. the blur is a motion blur and comes from using a long exposure. I like your suggestion that the blur of the people makes us see them more as part of a pattern and not as individuals.

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