COMD 1167 e148 Fall 2016

Author: Natalya Frenkel

History & Standards (2/3)

  1. Explain the difference between typeface and font: 

Typeface can be considered as the album, while the fonts roll can be considered the songs of said albums.

for example: Helvetica is the type face and Helvetica Bold is the song that belongs to helvetica. 


  1. What are the Five Families of Type? Show a visual / Listthem in chronological order:
  • Garamond – Old Style (1615)
  • Baskerville – Transitional (1757)
  • Bodoni – Modern (1788)
  • Egyptian – Slab Serif (1980)
  • Helvetica – San Serif (19th – 20th Century)
  1. What is serif versus san serif?
  • San serif is a category of typefaces that do not use serifs (small lines at the ends of characters). Serif refers to typefaces that have the feet (from Old Style to Modern typefaces)
  1. List example sof serif typefaces / List examples san serif typefaces:
  • Serif font include Times Roman, Courier, New Century Schoolbook, and Palatino. 
  • Popular sans serif fonts include Helvetica, Avant Garde, Arial, and Geneva. According to most studies, sans serif fonts are more difficult to read (because of a lack of contrast in the characters)


  1. What were specific traits of the Phoenician alphabet?
  • The specific traits of the Phoenician alphabet where there were no vowels and the Phoenicians read from right to left. It consisted of 20 simple markings.
  1. What were specific traits of the Roman alphabet?
  • The specific traits of the Roman alphabet where they added the “Q” and the “F” to the adopted Greek alphabet.
  1. What are the four types of alignment?
  • Centered
  • Flush Left, Ragged Right
  • Flush Right, Ragged Left
  • Justified
  1. What is a style sheet?
  • Paragraph and Character styles (see below) that establish fonts, leading, kerning and other customizations you wish to have for each category of text in your project. This gives a standardized look throughout all your documents and keeps your strategy for hierarchy consistent.


  1. What is a drop cap, where is it used, what does it look like?
  • Drop cap are large capital letters used at the beginning of a text block that has the depth of two or more lines of regular text.


  1. List the Principles of Design as mentioned in lectures, quickly define them:
  • Balance: is the concept of visual equilibrium
  • Proportion: refers to the relative size and scale of the various elements in a design
  • Rhythm: is the sense of movement and can establish pattern & texture
  • Emphasis: is defined as an area or object within the artwork that draws attention and becomes the focal point
  • Unity: creates an integrated image in which all the elements are working together to support the design as a whole. 

Juan, Paola, and Natalie – Blueprint Magazine

The Grid: The magazine mainly consists of five columns but sometimes it can play by only using a three to four column. Which allows more or less information to be displayed; text or picture.

The Color Scheme: The colors that appear in this magazine are, vibrant yellow, electric blue, red, orange, black and white. These colors are used in modern snapshots of the 1950’s. Yellows are specially used in the kitchen walls and wall paper, and blue is used on backgrounds and clothing. Lastly, reds are used on minor details of the magazine.

Typeface Concept: The two most consistent typeface used in the magazine is Helvetica and Modern type. Headlines are in Modern typeface while Helvetic is usually used as the subtitles.

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