Course Description

Assignment to field work/study situations of approximately eight to ten hours per week at an internship site approved by the department Internship Director: an advertising agency, graphic design firm, corporate design office, publications art department, photography or illustration studio, TV or multimedia production company. Each student keeps a log/journal to be shared in group seminars. Supervision is by faculty and by the supervisor at the internship site. Internships may be undertaken during the fall, spring or summer.

Learning Outcomes

For the successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Produce professional design work in accordance with the internship employerā€™s requirements and deadlines.
  • Develop professional relationships with the organizationā€™s customers or clients.
  • Learn about an organizationā€™s hierarchies, workflows, professional roles & responsibilities
  • Expand the studentā€™s awareness of the media industry and the New York design community.
  • Begin to build a network of Professional contacts, both inside CityTech and with industry professional associations.


The following syllabus presents the college approved course requirements, learning outcomes, suggested weekly course outline, etc. Your students should meet the defined learning outcomes and COMD Standards, but please adapt the weekly outline, project guidelines, and grading scheme, as needed.

Model Course

This Model Course is an openly available, fully developed web-based instructional resource containing course info, learning outcomes, suggested weekly topics and projects, video resources, quizzes, rubics, grading policy, and more.

The model course is available for cloning on the OpenLab. While logged in, click on the “Clone This Course” link. Contact the OpenLab Team with questions.

If you use Blackboard, review the Model Course content and structure for use in your Blackboard course.

Course Coordination


Name: Tanya Goetz

Title: Assistant Professor Communication Design

Email: TGoetz

Phone: 718-260-5177

Office: N-1111

Faculty Homepage

Coordination Site

This course uses the following coordination site:

Best Practices

Please review the Distance Education and Continuity Best Practices. These standards apply to all courses, whether web-enhanced, hybrid, or fully online, and may be used to inform peer evaluation of teaching.

Course Resources

This course utilizes the following Open Educational Resources (OER), zero cost resources, and/or required textbook :

BFA Resources

Please review and share the following resources with your BFA students.

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