Course Description

Sequential art and graphic narrative are developed from concept to finish. A variety of wet and  dry media is explored. Assignments reflect the diversity of the marketplace: editorial illustration  and social commentary, illustration of books, poems, magazine articles, short stories, posters, book jackets, annual reports, etc. Good drawing, painting, design, compositional skills, and  conceptual ability are emphasized.

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate an ability to conceptualize visual  images from written material.
  • Develop an individual, stylistic approach to  illustration. 
  • Approach illustration in depth rather than as  superficial description.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the handling of  mixed media. 


The following syllabus presents the college approved course requirements, learning outcomes, suggested weekly course outline, etc. Your students should meet the defined learning outcomes and COMD Standards, but please adapt the weekly outline, project guidelines, and grading scheme, as needed.

Model Course

If available, a cloneable model course contains learning outcomes, suggested weekly topics and projects, video resources, quizzes, and more.

Course Resources


Name: Sara Woolley

Title: Associate Professor Communication Design


Office: N1127

Phone: 718-260-5128

Course Resource

This course uses the following resource:

  • Art Directors Annual for The Art Directors Club, Inc. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications  (distributors)
  • Design Annuals: Graphis,  AIGA Annual,  Art Directors Club Annual, Type Directors Club Annual,  
  • Magazines: The New Yorker Illustration Annuals

Please review the COMD Standards for Curriculum Continuity.

BFA Resources