Course Description

Introduces students to core concepts underlying all digital media. Students work with a variety of software programs to reveal how the application’s tools and menus incorporate the scientific principles discussed during lecture, and explore pertinent industry resources. One field trip is an integral part of the course so students can witness first-hand professional work in an artistic or commercial setting.

Learning Outcomes

For the successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Gain an awareness of the media industry, and the design community by exploring industry, museum and association web sites and by attending one field trip. 
  • Describe and explain the differences among key file formats for digital images, digital audio, digital video and print output
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply technical understanding of color space and color management to the production of their design project files and the posting of images on their open lab site. 
  • Demonstrate descriptive and analytic verbal and writing skills by preparing one field trip report, one research report and participating in classroom critiques/discussions
  • Demonstrate an ability to use the library’s resources to find articles related to topics discussed in class. Develop an awareness of industry resources and publications.
  • Understand the differences between proprietary and open source software tools & formats and understand the importance of using industry standards


The following syllabus presents the college approved course requirements, learning outcomes, suggested weekly course outline, etc. Your students should meet the defined learning outcomes and COMD Standards, but please adapt the weekly outline, project guidelines, and grading scheme, as needed.

Model Course

This Model Course is an openly available, fully developed web-based instructional resource containing course info, learning outcomes, suggested weekly topics and projects, video resources, quizzes, rubics, grading policy, and more.

The model course is available for cloning on the OpenLab. While logged in, click on the “Clone This Course” link. Contact the OpenLab Team with questions.

If you use Blackboard, review the Model Course content and structure for use in your Blackboard course.

Course Coordination


Name: Tanya Goetz

Title: Assistant Professor Communication Design

Email: TGoetz

Phone: 718-260-5177

Office: N-1111

Faculty Homepage

Coordination Site

This course uses the following resource:

Best Practices

Please review the Distance Education and Continuity Best Practices. These standards apply to all courses, whether web-enhanced, hybrid, or fully online, and may be used to inform peer evaluation of teaching.

Course Resources

This course utilizes the following Open Educational Resources (OER), zero cost resources or required textbook:

  • Wong, Yue-Ling. (2012). Digital Media Primer, Pearson Prentice Hall; 2nd Edition

Foundation Resources

Please review and share the following resources with your Foundations students.

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