Course Description

Introduces students to the history, design principles and techniques of two-dimensional  animation. Students create a variety of projects including storyboards, flipbooks, camera less films, cutouts and still-photo animation. Experiments in time-lapse, pixelation and  object animation. Illustrated lectures and a field trip to an animation studio.

Learning Outcomes

For the successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a practical knowledge and  understanding of basic animation principles  such as, timing, laws of motion, squash and  stretch, mass and volume, weight and  balance, flexibility, anticipation, action and  reaction, pose-to-pose, keys, in-betweens,  overlapping action, follow-through and  drag, arcs and curves, lines of action,  contact, recoil, passing, and high-point.Identify and explain the mechanics of  sound synchronization, lip-synching and  integration of sound with visual imagery.
  • In-class sound synchronization exercise  using lip and sound synch techniques in  industry applications. Employ the conceptual skills and   production processes used in animation  development.
  • Development and research for final  project, which includes skills and  processes used in professional animation  development, including storyboarding,  creating animatics.
  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of  professional animation tools and   applications. In-class experiments and laboratories.
  • Demonstrate professional work practices,  creative problem solving techniques, and  critical thinking skills. Research, development and presentation  of final project. 


The following syllabus presents the college approved course requirements, learning outcomes, suggested weekly course outline, etc. Your students should meet the defined learning outcomes and COMD Standards, but please adapt the weekly outline, project guidelines, and grading scheme, as needed.

Model Course

If available, a cloneable model course contains learning outcomes, suggested weekly topics and projects, video resources, quizzes, and more.

Course Coordination



Title: Professor Communication Design





Coordination Site

This course uses the following coordination site:

Course Resources

  • Animation: The Mechanics of Motion Chris Webster ISBN: 0240516664 July 2004

Best Practices

Please review the Distance Education and Continuity Best Practices. These standards apply to all courses, whether web-enhanced, hybrid, or fully online, and may be used to inform peer evaluation of teaching.

BFA Resources

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