Class Info: Monday Nov 6



Presentations Project 2

As with previous project presentation, each student will come to the TV and show & talk about their work.

Remember to

  • Speak in a loud voice.
  • Talk in terms of typography as it relates to the specs and challenges of the project.
  • Don’t highlight mistakes, but rather discuss what would you improve if anything.

The rest of the class must be away from the computers and phones and engaged in your classmate presentations. Participation and positive & constructive comments are expected.



Participation Activity 1 (Part of Project 2)

Mock-ups generated in Dimension should work ok
(NOTE: As discussed Mock-ups generated in Adobe Substance are not displaying properly in AERO)

On your desktop:
Open your Illustrator/ Food type solutions page and your mock-up page in Dimension.

We will add our mock-ups to the real world using AERO, and added to the desk next to your computers (Prof G will do this).

Participation Activity 2

In Preparation for our next assignment (This is a stand alone assignment – not part of a project), we will capture multiple abstract textures.

Scan or take a picture of at least 6 random textures (not identifiable objects or things)

Save as JPEGS:




Place in Dropbox

Important: Aim to have a variety (not the same item) of textures and colors.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screen-Shot-2022-04-01-at-9.05.23-AM.png


Have a good, restful SPRING BRK!

Bring four abstract textures to next class. These should be your own (not sourced).
Refer to Participation Activity 2 (above) for specs.