Class Info
- Class Date:
- The written language and origin of letterforms
- Intro to InDesign
- Learn about visual communication and the origin of written communication and the alphabet.
- Cave Paintings
- Pictographs
- Ideographs
- Cuneiform Writing
- Hieroglyphs
- Calligraphy
- Chinese Calligraphy
- Invention of Paper
- Invention of Wooden characters in printing
- other (there were other forms of writing through out the world and at different times)
- Origin of the Latin ALPHABET and others
- Phoenicians
- Greek
- Roman or Latin
- More detailed info can be found here: The Origin of ABC from
- Summary Slides by Prof. Giuliani

- During Class: TYPE TALK
Watch: Video History of Type , and post comments - InDesign Demo
- Looking at the basics of InDesign:
- FILE>New>Document:

- Let’s create a new document and look at some variables.
Create a new document InDesign:
8.5 x 11 page/ .75″ margins all around /(no facing pages)
Then write:
In preparation for Project I:
What is in your opinion, the GREATEST INVENTION of ALL TIMES?
Write a short opinion paragraph: About 4 sentences max.
Place in Class Dropbox
Here are a few examples:
I believe that the television is one of the most wonderful inventions in this world. Its really amazing how one could watch a live show on television taking place in another location. I love television and can’t imagine a world without. It’s a fascinating invention that has evolved over the years.
—Cheniese Joseph
The Airplane
I think the most incredible invention known to man would have to be the airplane. The airplane was first invented and flown by the Wright Brothers in 1903 and has advanced tremendously since then. We now can literally fly around the world, making our world a globalized place. Flying allows us to see places we otherwise could not get to and saves us time traveling to the places we were always able to reach. Flying enables us to ‘book a flight’ in minutes to visit some friends or family or even flee the country! I only wish this great invention were a little more comfortable!
—Robin Glieberman
Graphic Assignments are always due the day before class at 11:30 pm, and must be placed in class drive (COMD1127 DROP BOX link) unless indicated otherwise. Assignments uploaded during class on the day that they are due are marked as late.
Participation Activities (Scavenger Hunts, Type Talks and Type Challenges) are due during class or the day before class at 11:30 pm if indicated by the instructor.
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