The color Green is a secondary color comprised of a basic blend of the two primary colors blue and yellow. However, despite its simplicity. The Color Green representation in the art world and its history is much more extraordinary than it may seem. It was first introduced as a color by in 1775 by a Swedish Chemist named Carl Wilhelm Scheele. Hence its early name of “Scheele’s Green”. Many scientists thought that this hue represents death due to its association with poisonous pigments and toxic chemical arsen. It was also believed to cause the death of French military leader Napoleon Bonaparte due to green being the color that Bonaparte’s bedroom was painted. This is ironic by todays standards because green is often associated with landscapes and trees within modern art and the piece & prosperity evoked by nature. for this reason, many designers and architects try to incorporate green in their works such as the interior of churches and hospitals. In European and Asian culture. Green is used to represent heroism as seen in certain stories such as Robin Hood and Peter Pan.
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