
Here is the link to today’s PowerPoint.



1. Write down your Topic. Be specific. Explain if you are going to look at a problem and possible solution OR if you are going to explore an arguable issue (whether or not…)

2. Write down your 5 to 8 research questions here.

Make sure you research questions :

-help identify the issue/ problem you might be researching (ex. gentrification in Williamsburg, etc)

-help determine the scope of your research project (how big or small a focus will you have—are you looking at gentrification in just Williamsburg or all of Brooklyn)

-help you figure out the sub-topics or areas that you want to research (will you look at how gentrification affections housing and cost of living and community relationships)


1. Find your 3 sources. Maybe even try to find one of the sources from the library website! Remember, don’t choose the first 3 sources that pop up on Google!

2. Put a link to the 3 sources here. Link them exactly so you can find them again!

3. Identify the GENRE of each source. Make sure EACH SOURCE IS A DIFFERENCE GENRE!