Name ____________________________ Date_________________


Introductory Writing Assignment

Welcome! In this assignment, you are going to introduce yourself to me as a READER and a WRITER. We are all readers and writers, some of us just more voracious and public than others. Have fun with this assignment! There is no right answer! Write approximately 250 words (or 1 page) double spaced in 12 point font and use the prompts as a guide. You do not have to answer each question!Β 

  1. Start with one word that describes how you’re feeling about this class as we get started.Β 
  2. What are 3 descriptive words or phrases that come to mind when you think of your experience with reading and writing?Β 
  3. What is one additional thing you would like me to know about you as a reader and a writer?Β 
  4. What are you REALLY GOOD at as a READER? As a WRITER? Be brave! Tell me!Β 
  5. Tell me a little more about YOU the reader! For example:Β 
    1. What type of reading do you like to do (books, magazines, TikTok, etc)?Β 
    2. What type of reading is hard for you? Be specific!
    3. What genres do you prefer to read in (mysteries, adventures, romance, science fiction, fantasy, etc.)? What is/ are an author(s) you have enjoyed reading?Β 
    4. What was the first book you remember reading and enjoying? Be specific!
  6. Tell me about YOU the writer! For example:Β 
    1. What do you like about writing? What is hard for you when you write?
    2. What genre do you like to write in (stories, poems, nonfiction, essays, comments on social media, etc)?Β 
    3. What type of writing is hard for you? Be specific!
    4. What language do you prefer to read and write in?
    5. What genre do you like to write in (stories, journals, songs, poems, essays, etc)? What type of writing is hard for you? Be specific!