Course Material

To participate in class and in the construction industry, you’ll need more information than what can be found on this website. Check back in for periodic updates. Recommended sources:


Based out of Columbus, Ohio, Buildapedia includes content created by AEC professionals for home owners and pros alike.


Check out the Constructionomics blog for industry trends and news. From their page:

The mission of Constructonomics is to use past experience, education, and positive attitude as tools to collaborate with owners, design professionals, contractors, and municipalities to deliver successful, ethical and sustainable construction projects.

Construction Industry Podcast

Cesar Abeid’s audio programs are free and insightful. You can download them on iTunes or stream them from his website.

New York City Administrative Code

Found here, the NYCAC:

is a more detailed collection of laws, codes and ordinances affecting the city. The Code in its current form was reenacted by Chapter 907 of the Laws of 1985, and has been amended many times since by state and local laws. The Code organizes the laws by subject matter, rather than by agency, and contains 30 titles. Among the statutes codified are the Construction Code, Fire Code, rent control and rent stabilization, extended powers and duties of certain elected officials, business activity regulation e.g. empire zones, retirement and pension systems for City officers and employees, public safety and consumer affairs provisions, creation of agencies authorized in the Charter but constituted in the Code e.g. parking violations bureau, city sheriff and trade waste commission, environmental protection laws e.g. air pollution and noise control, and extensive provisions for taxation and finance.

New York City Department of Buildings

As part of its effort to promote “the safety of all people that build, work, and live in New York City by regulating the lawful use of over one million buildings and construction sites across the five boroughs” the NYC DOB’s website includes information on safety, codes, licensing, property profiles, and much more. You must learn to use this resource.


Project Management for Construction

This free online text is by Chris Hendrickson, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA l52l3 Copyright C. Hendrickson 1998. Found here.


US Census Bureau

Construction VIP 2015 US CensusThe US Census Bureau data are primary sources for a variety of information collected on the construction industry monthly, quarterly, and annually.

Union Locals

Local 28: Sheet Metal Worker’s International Association, found here.

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