
Internship Progression

With the internship has been going well constant communication with my department chair. Something that I learned about this journey is that getting experience is to get something out it and have as many skills as possible. I am realizing that people in the industry are very busy and have a lot on there plate to do. This organization has been interesting to work for because I have never seen an organization that focuses on bringing different cultures together.

Many assignments I did for these were mainly holidays put together made in Adobe Photoshop which the pixels are 1080×1920 fit mostly for Instagram. What I learned from this is that different nations have different colors representing their own identity pretty their own brand identity.

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First Project

My first assignment was to create Instagram stories for holidays from foreign countries such as Hungary Ireland Paraguay. This particular assignment was to demonstrate the importance of unity and spreading awareness of holidays from foreign countries. The program I used was photoshop to create them 1080x1920px. Some assignments were about independence days.

What I learned from doing these projects is that learning about holidays about from other countries can unite people and celebrate the diversity that people have in the world. during the time I did these projects it made want to research more about other countries because it made me curious about other places in the world. I believe that once I sent them in the projects they will use them to promote these holidays on their websites. what I am hoping to get out this is to that somebody can learn about different foreign holidays and maybe spread it to their friends and so they can learn about these holidays and maybe one day travel there.

Accessibility Software Translation

https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/Users/chris/Downloads/Translate.en.es.pdf/ Spanish translation

First Project

My first assignment was to create Instagram stories for holidays from foreign countries such as Hungary Ireland Paraguay. This particular assignment was to demonstrate the importance of unity and spreading awareness of holidays from foreign countries. The program I used was photoshop to create them 1080x1920px. Some assignments were about independence days.

What I learned from doing these projects is that learning about holidays about from other countries can unite people and celebrate the diversity that people have in the world. during the time I did these projects it made want to research more about other countries because it made me curious about other places in the world. I believe that once I sent them in the projects they will use them to promote these holidays on their websites. what I am hoping to get out this is to that somebody can learn about different foreign holidays and maybe spread it to their friends and so they can learn about these holidays and maybe one day travel there.


file:///C:/Users/chris/Downloads/Translate.pdf/english file:///C:/Users/chris/Downloads/Translate.mp3

Internship Progress

With the internship has been going well constant communication with my department chair. Something that I learned about this journey is that getting experience is to get something out it and have as many skills as possible. I am realizing that people in the industry are very busy and have a lot on there plate to do. This organization has been interesting to work for because I have never seen an organization that focuses on bringing different cultures together.

Many assignments I did for these were mainly holidays put together made in Adobe Photoshop which the pixels are 1080×1920 fit mostly for Instagram. What I learned from this is that different nations have different colors representing their own identity pretty their own brand identity.


Personal Evaluation

As for the internship I believe i did a very good job and following tasks and also doing things on time. Also what I learned from this is that it is not so much about whether it is paid remote or in person. Working for this organization has helped build an international audience to reach like latin eastern and western audiences.

During my time as an intern I have learned how grow and learn from supervisor and other stuff and communicate whenever I need help. My takeaway from this is to keep growing and keep on learning because there many skillsets that are needed for this such as design or possibly video editing.


First Project

My first assignment was to create Instagram stories for holidays from foreign countries such as Hungary Ireland Paraguay. This particular assignment was to demonstrate the importance of unity and spreading awareness of holidays from foreign countries. The program I used was photoshop to create them 1080x1920px. Some assignments were about independence days.

What I learned from doing these projects is that learning about holidays about from other countries can unite people and celebrate the diversity that people have in the world. during the time I did these projects it made want to research more about other countries because it made me curious about other places in the world. I believe that once I sent them in the projects they will use them to promote these holidays on their websites. what I am hoping to get out this is to that somebody can learn about different foreign holidays and maybe spread it to their friends and so they can learn about these holidays and maybe one day travel there.

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Your subtitle here

Business Etiquette

Business Etiquette is defined as having manners in the workplace such as how to address someone and certain titles and recognizing the team. Also, be on time whether it be an interview or a group meeting.

During meetings proper etiquette is expected in both formal and informal greet them formally, same rules apply on zoom remotely. Remember to listen to group members on zoom and be humble only speak when spoken to. Even though at home or remote is getting more popular that does not mean act unprofessional because it is still work.



Working Independently

Most of the work has been done on my own because so far I have not spoken about group activity. I would do some work correct them with my supervisor and then once that is done I have to fix the dimensions and then hand it in through email. Right now the issue I am having is that I am not sure what other workers skill set and learn from others which is a really downside of working not able to see others work. Also if there meetings going on there is no telling what time zone people are at.
