Vol. 16 Found Poems

During the Vol. 16 reception, attendees assembled snippets of text from the issue into found poems. The results testify to the inherent beauty of language, often found in unexpected places.

See if you can find the pieces from which these snippets were taken!

Poem set against image of NYC at night. Text: "You do the math/the courage and strength it takes/transform words into a reality/to express their joy/generations after me/overcoming the darkness"



Found poem against image of Brooklyn Bridge at night. Text: "your true soulmate/between my mind and body/never doubt how beautiful/cross a forest and rivers/During the rainy season"



Found poem set against photo of Brooklyn Bridge at night. "I see a bright light?/glowing red photoelectric eyes/drift away to dissolution/I could lift some weight off/typical Thursday night/These were the old tales"