We’re excited to introduce a new aspect of CTW this year: the Photo Riff contest. Students are invited to submit a creative riff (story, poem, song lyrics, play script) on one of the photos featured in last year’s “Adventures In Photography” gallery.
These submissions do not have to be sponsored. However, it’s strongly advised that students not in a Creative Writing course consult with an English professor they trust, or a tutor in the Writing Center, if they would like to write a piece for consideration.
The Photo Riff entries will be judged by a panel of English professors, who will select the top 3 for inclusion in next year’s issue!
Song/rap lyrics can be accompanied by an mp3 recording of a track featuring the lyrics. However, the entry will be judged primarily on lyrical content, as opposed to the quality of any track that might also be uploaded. CTW reserves the right to publish the lyrics but to request changes to the audio track if necessary.
To submit your Photo Riff, just use the submission form and select “Photo Riff” in the first dropdown menu. Then fill out the rest of the form and submit to the Dropbox provided!