Dear City Tech community,
It’s been a strange and unsettling year for all of us, but I am glad to announce that City Tech Writer has persevered. Our new issue, celebrating 15 years of outstanding student writing, is available in digital format on this Openlab site. Previous complete issues, as well as a sampler featuring the best of CTW since Vol. 1 in 2006, are also available. We hope to hold a double reception next year to commemorate both volume 15 and volume 16.
On the latter note, we’re proud to announce that we are now accepting submissions for Volume 16 of City Tech Writer! We’re looking forward to populating its pages with your outstanding writing. If you’re a professor looking to sponsor a student’s piece, or you’re a student who has a submission, please consult the “Submissions FAQ” page and submit at the link. Please have a look at previous issues as well as the complete City Tech Writer Sampler above.
Thank you and enjoy!
Professor Kwong
Editor, City Tech Writer