Below is the list of skills I obtained as a dental hygiene student at NYCCT:
- Certified in CPR and Mandated Reporter
- Ability to thoroughly review a medical history with the patient
- Extensive extra and intra oral examination to rule out any abnormalities and for oral cancer screening
- Thorough dental exam to detect any cavities or other dental issues
- Periodontal probing to evaluate health of the gingiva and bone
- Educating patient about oral health and providing home care instruction based on their individual needs
- Oral prophylaxis
- Deep scaling and root planning using ultrasonics and a wide variety of hand scalers
- Expose and develop radiographs (FMS, Bitewing, PA, PAN) both film and digital
- Engine Polishing & Air polishing
- Fluoride treatments (varnish, foam, and gel)
- Applying Oraqix and topical agents(Benzocaine 20%)
- Administer local anesthesia infiltrations
- Administer Nitrous oxide
- Sealant placement using rubber dam and/or cotton rolls
- Experience with patients of all ages
- Taking alginate impression and pour up models
- Arestin placement and evaluate pocket depths
- Periodontal dressing application
Achievements/ Awards
2015 – A member of The NationalĀ The NationalĀ SocietyĀ of Leadership and Success
2014 – Queens College High Honors in Psychology
2008 & 2009 – Korean American Scholarship Foundation Scholarship recipient