
My nursing philosophy is the age old adage of do for others, what you would have them do for you; and improvement.

I did not always want to be a nurse. Nursing came to me when I was by my late grandmother’s bedside and it was then when I realized the impact a nurse can have–the positive and/or the negative. Nursing is ground zero for recovery and the tool of humanity.

When treating a patient, no matter the stress or struggle, we should always keep true to our hearts the golden rule: to treat others how you would want to be treated.

My mission is to be the best nurse I can be, to learn, so that I can provide the best care for my patients. I want to provide safe nursing, I want to provide best evidence-based practices and I want to provide compassion.

“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you: do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets” (Matthew 7:12, King James Version).

The golden rule
credit: ScarboroMissions