Learning Self-Analysis

One of the first nursing experiences that really stood out to me was a patient interaction with an elderly woman that cared for her vegetative state-husband. This took place in my second semester of associate nursing and she spoke to me about not giving up hope. She mentioned how whenever health professionals spoke to her, they spoke of her husband without hope and she reiterated the importance of hope because that was all she had. And I think it is important as nurses, not provide false hope but to respect the hope of others.

In the beginning, when I was fresh-faced and greener than the NYCCT green uniforms we wore, I was afraid. I can still remember on my very first assignment, I was too nervous to even walk into the room to greet my patient.  But with routine came excitement, and every single new skill, every new experience was thrilling. Knowledge obtained in both clinical and lecture setting was simultaneously fun and challenging.

Throughout the semesters, learning to work with all types of clinical nurses, preceptors and classmates was rewarding. It  taught me the lesson to adapt and embrace different teaching styles, working philosophies and definitely drove home more than ever, the teamwork environment. In the classroom setting, being able to learn under so many different accomplished nurses and insightful instructors was also illuminating. No two professors are alike and it is very gratifying to learn about who they are through their teaching. One professor taught me how to be strong in my vulnerability, one professor taught me compassion in a new light, one professor instilled in me the vigor and enthusiasm for knowledge, the list goes on. I am very thankful for every individual who has been on this journey with me because I know for a fact, without the kindness of others I would not have made it this far. From my first friend, to my last professor, I will treasure them for a lifetime.

I feel confident with patients, I welcome work, I embrace the unknown. The fresh-faced nursing student of old is no more but hopefully I’ll carry on his lessons and enthusiasm for years to come.

Although I have not yet fully stretched my nursing wings, I feel very proud to have chosen nursing. I don’t think there is a better health profession.