Graphic Communication Workshop


I chose this logo because I used it in my Graphic Design Principles II class for my ligature. After working hard on it and even hand painting it till it was more precise it sunk in and became my logo.









Twitter Logo

The Twitter logo is well known around the world. Just as messages sent on twitter are called “tweets” the logo is a bird. The network logo was originally just the word twitter in a tint of light blue which was designed by Linda Gavin and Amy Franceschini. This logo was used from its launch in 2006 to 2010 where the blue twitter logo was made black with a blue bird at the end. Soon when the company was so well known the logo was changed simply to a bird in a darker blue.

These logos are wildly known today due the networking website’s popularity. This allowed redesigns to eventually become simpler due to familiarity. The bird alone hints the viewer of its representation. Many other company logos became more simple as the twitter one did as well such as Facebook and Tumblr showing a mere box with the first letter of the name.

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