Working from home has been the norm for the last 3 years for a lot of us. I  initially expected to be going into Brooklyn College on a some what regular basis, but it seems that the bulk of this internship will be done remotely. Being that I am working off campus I can’t exactly say what the work environment at Brooklyn College is, however, it seems as though it is hectic. My internship supervisor, Isana, is often very busy with meetings, but works extremely hard to make time to meet with me over Zoom most days. 

As far as I can tell, the dress code seems fairly business casual. I try to maintain a clean appearance, even over zoom, but I mostly wear sweaters that would be considered business casual. My day typically starts around 8 or 8:30am, when Isana sends me an email letting me know when we’ll be touching base (over Zoom) and lets me know of any tasks that I can work on in the meantime. We normally meet between 9 and 11am, and during the meeting I take notes in a small notebook, and use a bullet journal to keep track of tasks. Once the meeting is over I get to work.

Being that I am working from home the schedule is pretty flexible, I often take lunch around 12pm or 1pm, and then continue working until I have to leave for my evening classes or until the task is done. Isana usually likes to see what I’ve produced before the end of the day, so she can give feedback, but doesn’t want me working too many hours on something for fear of stealing time from my other courses. Be that as it may I like to deliver work in a timely manner so I don’t mind spending a little extra time on something if it means my client is pleased with the work. 

Over the last few weeks I’ve done 2 to major pieces for Brooklyn College, and one conceptual piece.

One sheet of thank you tags for staff mugs.

And another project involved me conceptualizing a logo.

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