As I mentioned briefly in my previous post, for this Internship, I am working under Isana in the office of Institutional Effectiveness. I didn’t know universities had such a thing, but the office of Institutional Effectiveness assesses what the college is currently doing against its goals and attempts to develop new strategies and initiatives to meet those goals.

I got this internship after many weeks of white hot panic where I applied to several UX and Graphic Design internships, but heard nothing back. Before the semester started professor Goetz began posting internship opportunities on Open Lab, and I applied for this one. After a few days Isana reached out for an interview via zoom. 

I would say that I may have been overly prepared for this meeting, as I was extremely nervous and figured I should have prepared answers for every possible question. As the zoom began my fears quickly washed away as Isana complimented me on my work, explained what the position entailed, and how things would go should I decide to take the internship. The only questions she asked was how I feel about making Tik Toks and my proximity to the university to facilitate that. I told her that I wasn’t an expert at video editing software, but understood the core systems in place and was eager to try new things. 

Isana reached out on Friday with a formal offer e-mail, and gave me until end of day Monday to make my decision. I reached out first thing Monday morning and accepted. 

I’m honestly extremely excited about this internship because in school we are both client and creator. This requires us to bring a lot of ourselves to a project, and I honestly prefer to make things for other people. Not only that, but internship is a ground to test our skills in a real life scenario. I expect many failures, but I know they are ultimately learning experiences. 

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