Case Studies Chapters 8 & 10

Case Study I.

1. What can be done to offer the best possible lunch food and service?
A lot can be done: The usage of electrical stoves and other equipment that will not require gas in order to operate. The menu can also be modified while the issue is being fixed.

Case Study II.

1. How should Jane handle being a short cashier and a dish room person at breakfast? Probably she can call other employees that are off that day. Also if her employees are crossed-trained, she can move them and assign different working stations for that date.

2. What should Jane do with the food in the defective refrigerator? Should that is measured to be above 40 F be saved? In the meantime, they should try not to open the refrigerator door as often as they usually do. Also, she can move the items to another refrigerator while the non-working one is fixed. Food establishments always have more than one refrigerator.

3. What are Jane’s options concerning the ice shortage? She can send someone to purchase extra ice or even call one her purveyors to assist her with this issue by supplying ice. Of course, the relationship between the restaurant and their suppliers will make a big difference of the outcome on this unusual situation. She can call her supplier and inform them that they need these items to be delivered as soon as possible.

4. How should Jane handle the president’s function, knowing that the requested desserts have not been delivered? Again, when we are on this business things will always happen, nothing will be always perfect. The relationship between them will of course make an impact on this situation.

5. If the especial dessert cannot be purchased on time, how should the catering supervisor approach this situation when speaking with the president’s office? First and foremost honesty has to be executed. The situation has to be explained, and at the same offer other alternatives will assist to ease the error. Guests in general do not like to hear the word no, as long as an alternative is offered to them.

6. What can be done to ensure that mistakes, such as the one made by the bakery employee, do not happen again? Always double check all order to ensure items are delivered the same day every week/weekly. Tools such as email, calendar, and/or texts reminders can be set. This will alert the person in charge.

Case Study III.

1. What should be some of the key elements to consider in developing a proposal for your hotel guests? The proposal has to be presented in a way that captures the guest’s attention, and that the guest understands if for their benefit. Guests tend to be inclined more towards products/services that they are related to. Diagrams can be prepared, and even a video can be done and added to the hotel website in order to make it tangible.

Case Study IV.

1. List the recommendations you have for the park superintendents to help save the parks.

Some are:

• Do not enter the park with the card. Leave the car park outside.
• More superintendents so they can patrol the area more frequently.
• No grilling, or cooking any type of food at the park. People can bring already prepared food.
• Penalize those that harm the park. Humans learn with examples and real life situations. People will think twice before trashing the park.
• Apply severe sanctions such as: prohibiting the entrance to the park to those that destroy it.

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